Genomics pattern

Key points of the NHS England strategy to develop the pharmacy genomic workforce

Advances in genomic testing are enabling a transition from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to prescribing to a more tailored approach by using genomics to inform medicines optimisation.

Changes in undergraduate pharmacy education: Where are we now?

In January 2021, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) published revised Standards for the initial education and training (IETP) of pharmacists. This created 55 new learning outcomes for MPharm programmes to meet.

Muslim woman



Which is better for sepsis patients: continuous or intermittent meropenem administration?

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that continues to pose significant challenges to clinicians worldwide.


Why are strong opioids and gabapentinoids continued after hospital discharge? 

In this article we share the results of an audit of the number of people discharged on strong opioids or gabapentinoids following surgery


Opioids and gabapentinoids for postoperative pain: Do we have a problem? 

Ten percent of patients with acute post-operative pain will develop chronic pain in the months following surgery.


The challenges and management options for hyperkalaemia in Heart Failure

Hyperkalaemia is associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with Heart Failure (HF). However, monitoring is often suboptimal and hyperkalaemia often inappropriately managed.



Stressed and depressed: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the pharmacists of tomorrow

In March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 infections across the world had reached pandemic levels.


Handbook of Perioperative Medicines evaluation shows global use across professions

Data shows the Handbook being accessed by up to 250 users per day, with most visits during the week and users spending an average of three minutes on the site.


Realising my passions within pharmacy: Interview with UKCPA Director Ramandeep Kaur

My career path is definitely not a typical one but I have loved every single opportunity along the way, despite the challenges.


Adapting clinical pharmacy to the post-COVID healthcare landscape

Coronavirus has significantly changed how healthcare is delivered. This has driven a need for rapid transformation of services at a time of immense pressure



Workplace stress: how to minimise it and create change

where is the line between working hard and overworking? And how do we know when we’ve crossed it?


How to create a culture of empathy, understanding and support

Which is better: skin as thick and tough as a honey badger, or thin and fragile like pastry?


How to nurture healthy ambition

My experience of working with pharmacists over the last ten years or so is that they are truly inspiring in their dedication and passion for their profession and the patients they care or advocate for.

Education & training

How to deliver an engaging and effective webinar

The COVID-19 lockdown has forced many of us to become more familiar with accessing education and training online